Musk’s Starlink spreads footprint in rural areas


ZAMBIA Information and Communications Technology Authority (ZICTA) director-general Choolwe Nalubamba says Starlink Satellite Internet Services has shaken the digital market, with high uptake of its services being witnessed in rural areas.
Last year, Zambia became the sixth African country to launch the satellite internet service with a goal of providing citizens with faster, reliable and uncapped Internet access.
Speaking in an interview last week, Mr Nalubamba said records show that the internet service provider shared between 5,000 and 6,000 units as at February this year.
“The records that we have right now indicate that they are doing between 5,000 and 6,000 units that they shared. We are yet to consolidate statistics from ZamStats about their market share, but otherwise there is a huge increase in the number of units, especially in November and December last year,” he said…