Mine suppliers buoyant


MINE Suppliers and Contractors Association of Zambia (MSCAZ) president Costa Mwaba says they are expecting a sharp turn-around in this year’s second quarter after the recent liquidation of debt by Mopani Copper Mines (MCM).
Mr Mwaba said there will be significant progress by local businesses in the mining sector due to the cash flow from MCM.
Speaking in an interview, Mr Mwaba said the impending creditors’ meeting at Konkola Copper Mine (KCM) to unlock payments to suppliers and contractors will also enhance the outlook of the business environment.
“When KCM unlocks payments to suppliers and contractors, this move will also enhance the outlook of the business environment for the second quarter and reverse the negatives recorded in the first three months of the year,” he said…https://enews.daily-mail.co.zm/