Masebo goes ‘on call’ at Heroes cholera centre

MINISTER of Health Sylvia Masebo spent Saturday night and early hours of Sunday at Heroes Stadium cholera treatment centre to facilitate the transfer of a patient whose condition was not stable.
Ms Masebo, who was yesterday in Lusaka’s Kanyama, Kaunda Square, Mtendere and Kalikiliki to sensitise the public on cholera, said she stayed on to facilitate the urgent transfer to the University Teaching Hospitals (UTH).
“I left Heroes cholera centre in the wee hours of this morning, Sunday 02:00 hours,” she said.
“There was a patient who was in critical condition who required urgent transfer to UTH, so I stayed there and facilitated the urgent transfer. There was also a baby who was not in stable condition, the child was stabilised by medical staff.”
Ms Masebo has advised parents and guardians to reinforce personal hygiene practices among children as schools reopen today..