Micmar transforms Woodlands Market ablution block

LUSAKA Central Constituency Member of Parliament, Mulambo Haimbe has highlighted the health, gender and economic costs of poor sanitation and called for heightened multi-stakeholder approach, were the public and private sectors collaborate to create sustainable solutions.
Mr Haimbe was speaking in Lusaka on Friday when Micmar, a renowned hardware company, unveiled a refurbished ablution block at Lusaka’s Woodlands Market to improve access to hygiene conditions.
Mr Haimbe reiterated the importance of clean sanitation for all, saying a lack of it creates environments conducive for increased prevalence of waterborne diseases such as cholera.
“Access to clean and safe sanitation facilities is a fundamental human right, and it is a matter of deep concern that many of our fellow citizens still struggle to find adequate toilets and wash facilities,” he said.
He extended heartfelt gratitude to Micmar for answering the call to renovate the ablution block.
“The renovation of the Woodlands Market ablution block by Micmar serves as a shining example of how public-private partnerships can usher in positive change. It showcases the power of collaboration in advancing the well-being of citizens.”
He said the refurbished work will ensure the well-being and dignity of the citizens who work in the market, those who visit it, and the surrounding community.
The works include the replacement of manhole covers for improved safety and sanitation, installation of a water tank to address intermittent water supply issues, addition of a booster pump to ensure adequate water pressure and replacement of fittings, modern toilets, urinals, and showers.
Micmar’s Marketing Communications Manager, Mufuka Samukonga said the fittings for the project were sourced from Micmar’s own stores, underscoring the company’s commitment to using their resources to benefit the community.
“At Micmar, we believe that improving the lives of people in the communities we serve is not just a responsibility but a privilege. We are proud to have been a part of this transformative project, and we look forward to continuing our commitment to the betterment of the community,” She said.
She said the collaboration with Woodlands Market exemplifies the strength of unity between the public and private sector.
“Our commitment to quality and community development has always been at the core of our mission. With a cost of K150,000, Micmar replaced manhole covers, introduced a water tank, added a booster pump, and modernized the fittings,” she said…https://enews.daily-mail.co.zm/welcome/home